What you should know about an infrared thermography survey
A thermography survey should be routine maintenance
Your operation doesn't need to be shut down
What you'll receive from your survey
Equipment that can be scanned
- Electrical switch gear, breakers, bus connections, and contacts
- Transformer connections
- Mechanical couplings on rotating equipment
- Process piping and heat exchangers
- Compressor heads
- Motor and generator connections, windings, feeders and excitors
- Bearings
- Friction in drive gears and drive belts
- Refractory systems (e.g., boilers, kilns, molten material containment)
- Steam traps and piping insulation
- Tank levels and insulation problems
Guidelines to choose a reputable inspection partner
- Select a qualified, experienced firm
- Choose the right technology to deliver the best results
- Understand what needs to be done before, during and after the survey
- Expect a detailed written assessment of the findings with accompanying images and recommendations
At the minimum, a qualified infrared thermographer will have
- A written practice program that meets the recommended practices section, SNT-TC-1A, of The American Society of Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
- A program that is audited by a third party
- The ability to provide reports in both hard copy and electronic form
- References on request
HSB infrared thermography surveys provide excellence
An infrared survey isn't just like taking a photograph - A valuable survey depends on the technician’s ability to interpret the image. We believe that proper training and certification is essential for any qualified technician. HSB's thermographers are full-time employees with between 5 to 25 years of global experience conducting surveys for businesses. Additionally, Snell Infrared - a third party - audits our program and maintain accuracy and excellence.
HSB training meets or exceeds stringent industry standards. The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. oversees all disciplines of nondestructive testing, and has established the practices for thermal/infrared testing that HSB follows.
Several phases of training qualify a specialist for certification at two levels, and includes:
- Forty hours of classroom study and academic testing for each level of training
- Successful completion of a separate exam that tests knowledge of theory and demonstration of practical skills
- Monitored and documented on-the-job work experience for each level of training
- Adherence to a written practices program that outlines qualifications, certifications, training, experience and examinations taken
HSB uses the best scanning technology
Two technologies are available for infrared scans: a scan gun produces a temperature reading of the area it's pointed at, and infrared video cameras produce an image along with a temperature reading.
HSB uses cameras for these advantages:
Accuracy - Scan guns depend on being placed as close as possible to the spot being measured and have limited accuracy. Infrared video cameras can be used at a distance and provide an accurate view of radiated thermal energy at every point within a broad field of view.
Speed, safety, and ease of use - Scan guns can only evaluate one component at a time, which makes surveys time consuming. Infrared cameras enable both an initial wide field scan to find hot spots, and a follow up close up to evaluate those areas more precisely. Since infrared cameras can be used at a distance, they reduce risk to personnel from exposure to fully loaded circuits and hot equipment.
Ability to detect reflective conditions
Permanent and easy to read records