Connect to HSB EB coverage
Is it time for you to give the leader in Equipment Breakdown coverage a turn?
The equipment your current EB coverage was designed to protect was created decades ago. But since then, things have changed. Equipment is more sophisticated. More complex. More connected. And with those seismic changes come new and emerging risks.
We think EB coverage should keep up with the times.
Connect with HSB and find out how the leader in EB innovations can help to differentiate your offering in a very crowded market space.
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HSB EB coverage goes beyond insurance to deliver the following market leverage to brokers and agents
Cyber + EB
As cybercriminals become more sophisticated and risk continues to evolve, take advantage of coordinated insurance offerings to avoid coverage gaps.
With AlertAssist, HSB rewards insureds when they invest in loss-control technology and take preventative measures to protect equipment.
Future Loss Avoidance
This coverage enhancement provides payment for the cost to purchase and install qualifying protective equipment intended to prevent future failures when an insured has an EB loss.
A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) that serves as a digital platform that can provide insights into facilities operations. It’s an exclusive add-on benefit to HSB EB coverage that your policyholders will value.
The integration of IoT sensor technology into insurance and equipment is allowing policyholders and providers to predict and prevent losses.
TechAdvantage™ (Tech 2.0)
Businesses operate in an environment of fast-paced technological changes. With advances in functionality come new exposures that standard policies fail to address. This coverage answers that challenge.
New ways to mitigate and manage risk in development. At HSB, we never stop innovating and delivering value to our client companies.
For information, contact:

Jess DeMars
Senior Vice President, Regional Client Management