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Green Hydrogen
© Jonathan Knowles / Getty Images

Securing the power of Green Hydrogen

Tailor-made risk transfer solutions for the energy transition

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    Green hydrogen is the missing piece

    Find out in 2 minutes why Green Hydrogen is a game changer for the energy transition.

    Finding alternatives to fossil fuels has never been more important. Green hydrogen is one of the most important pillars of a successful energy transition towards net-zero targets. It can balance seasonal fluctuations in renewable electricity production and provides energy for hard-to-abate industries.

    Technology development has made great progress, and policymakers support the innovative energy source - in 2022, 30 countries have drafted a strategy for green hydrogen. However, the total amount is still small and new projects often cannot realise their full potential as sufficient capital is needed for large-scale deployment.

    Meet us at World Hydrogen Week in Copenhagen

    30 Sept – 4 Oct | booth number D334
    Over 41 countries have adopted national hydrogen strategies
    460 electrolyzer projects currently under development or construction
    Global electrolyser market size US$ 505.6 Million in 2023

    As a pioneer in green hydrogen production you face multiple challenges:

    Pressure to act fast and deliver large-scale volumes
    Convince investors to provide huge amounts of capital
    Need to prove that the new technology can be scaled up
    High production, maintenance and repair costs
    Long-term performance risk with excessive warranty claims stress balance sheet

    Let’s join forces for a Green Hydrogen future

    To scale your green hydrogen business you need to convince investors to provide sufficient capital and prospects to trust the performance of your technology. Munich Re’s HySure risk transfer helps to de-risk large-scale projects: Product and performance guarantees for electrolyser manufacturers pave the way for more financial stability by mitigating performance and warranty claims concerns of investors, banks and customers.

    HySure provides protection for electrolyser manufacturers

    Product Warranty
    Protection against

    • excessive repair costs
    • part breakdown
    • maintanance/replacement intervals
    • cost overrun

    Performance Warranty

    • against underperformance
    • against small H2 production rate
    • for efficiency/cell voltage
    • for gas purities

    Availability Warranty
    Protection against

    • under-availability
    • Downtime 

    How HySure contributes to your success:

    How HySure contributes to your success
    © Munich Re
    Patrick Hinze
    Power to Hydrogen is the logical next step towards reliable green energy 24/7 all year round facing a world of uncertainty.
    Patrick Hinze
    Munich Re
    Head of Emerging Green Tech Solutions

    Why Munich Re Green Tech Solutions?

    With our strong focus on new energy sources and new technologies, we are the right partner for you.

    • Profound technical expertise in electrolyser technology 
    • Our risk assessment and mitigation is appreciated by institutional investors 
    • 14 years-track-record in all green technologies 
    • Globally experienced and locally responsive in-house experts 
    • Financial stable AA- rated global player
    • Strong network of renowned partners like VDE and TÜV 

    World Hydrogen Week Schedule

    World Hydrogen Week speaking slot:

    Ensuring investment security and bankability for unproven technologies and novel business models

    Bernhard Schneider - Product Lead HySure, Munich Re

    October 1st 15:20 – 15: 40

    Where: Stream C, World Hydrogen Congress, Copenhagen 

    Bernhard Schneider
    Bernhard Schneider
    Product Lead Hydrogen

    Hydrogen Innovators
    Podcast Kathrin Ebner

    Kathrin Ebner
    Kathrin Ebner
    Risk Assessment Hydrogen
    Podcast Episode:
    How reinsurance removes barriers in the H2 industry

    Would you like to know more?
    Get in touch with us right away

    Hydrogen Whitepaper Cover
    Find more out about our risk transfer solutions and product and performance guarantees

    Technological advancements in green hydrogen have been progressing steadily; however, innovative technological projects haven’t been able to realise their full potential as sufficient capital is needed for scaling up production and deployment of large-scale electrolysis.

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