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    Munich Re respects journalists' independence and favours a strict separation of journalism and public-relations work. When we conclude contracts with journalists (whether salaried employees or freelancers) to act as PR consultants, moderators or authors, we ensure that this cooperation does not influence media reporting about our company or issues related to our company.

    In Germany, where Munich Reinsurance Company has its registered office, the guiding principles defined in the "DPRG guidelines for dealing with journalists" of the Berlin-based German Public Relations Association (DPRG) and the statutes of the German Council for Public Relations serve as a basis for our cooperation with journalists. These guidelines are in keeping with those of the German Press Council and the recommendations of the Federation of German Industries for combating corruption in Germany.

    In order to provide maximum transparency in accordance with the above rules, the names and places of residence of all journalists who have worked for us either on a salaried or freelance basis during the past two years are published here.

    Simon Andrew, München, Deutschland
    Mike Durrie, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
    Benjamin Esche, Essen, Deutschland
    Andreas Park, München, Deutschland
    Andreas Schuck, München, Deutschland
    Jochen Schuster, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
    Gareth Stokes, Johannesburg, South Africa 
    Tim Habicht, Köln, Deutschland
    Dr. Paul Henkel, Berlin, Deutschland
    Oliver Howard, Köln, Deutschland
    Fabian Hoberg, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
    Markus Sekulla, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
    Ulf Matzen, Hamburg, Deutschland
    Dr. Hauke Gerlof, Frankfurt, Deutschland

    Similar policies are in place at our branches and subsidiaries outside Germany.

    Get in touch

    Thank you for your interest in Munich Re. For general inquiries and interview requests please reach out to your nearest contact on our list of Munich Re press contacts worldwide.  

    Global 24/7 Media Relations Hotline
    Phone: +800 8900 0000

    Further Information