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Innovation at Munich Re
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What to expect from us

We provide the right environment for co-innovation. Have a look at what that could mean for your idea!

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    Our innovation framework

    We offer co-innovation opportunities for entrepreneurs, start-ups and corporate partners to team up diverse competencies and different perspectives. We provide expertise in many areas, as well as access to global markets, clients and partners. Furthermore, you can benefit from our global innovation infrastructure and funding. Together we explore promising opportunities and develop new business solutions that fit our defined playing fields, supporting core innovation in (re)insurance. Reach out for new horizons with us!
    Munich Re offers an enormous amount of deep expertise on a broad range of topics, from AI and climate to engineering and space. For 140 years we have been active in the risk business. We insure not only large construction projects and satellite launches, but also cyber risks and algorithms. To be able to offer risk solutions in all areas of life and the economy, we employ scientists from many fields, medical doctors, engineers, pilots and sea captains, to name just a few. Only with the expertise of these specialists can we assess some of the highest, often technological risks for very precious assets. Only if we understand every single detail of the business and technologies, are we able to insure them. We digest and make sense of huge amounts of data to assess the probability and the amount of financial losses as a result of earthquakes, car crashes or business interruption. You see, imagining and anticipating the future has always been in our DNA. Today, digitalisation supports and speeds up these processes and opens up new horizons. Data scientists, software architects and our entire digital infrastructure including our Data Hunting Unit help us to get the most out of new technological possibilities.
    © Munich Re
    Munich Re is active globally and maintains client relations with thousands of companies, not only from the insurance industry but from many different economic sectors. We are the front runners of innovation in our core business, but reach out far beyond that. In the last few years we have built up an entire innovation ecosystem to bring together ideas and players from various spheres. As the frontiers between industries are becoming increasingly blurred, no company can achieve groundbreaking innovation on its own. Become part of our huge ecosystem that helps match your ideas with the needs of companies and their clients!
    Our LABs and Innovation Hubs around the world are our homes for innovators, providing an ideal environment for fast development and testing of ideas. Collaborating with our clients, start ups and innovation partners is critical in our ability to bring new products, services and business models to the market.  
    All in all, our global scouting team meets with over 500 start-ups each year. We are constantly mining technology and business model signals from around the world that lead to new strategic partnerships and accelerate Munich Re’s innovation process. The scouting team also supports the development of a global InsurTech ecosystem by bringing start-ups and entrepreneurs together and sharing specific know-how. 
    Innovating with Munich Re also means getting access to our long-standing ecosystem of strong innovation partners, such as the ITC  DIA (InsureTech Connect/Digital Insurance Agenda) Europe. We are also a founding member and Chair of the  InsurTech Hub Munich (ITHM), a unique platform set up by insurance companies to promote co-creation with start-ups, investors and universities. In addition, ITHM’s strategic partners in tech (such as Microsoft or NTT Data), consulting (PWC) and healthcare (Roche), bring their know-how and capabilities and make the ecosystem thrive.

    Munich Re supports entrepreneurs’ innovation initiatives and our partners’ co-innovations that fit our strategic playing fields and that are designed to create new business with a distinct revenue stream. We support initiatives along the entire innovation journey from ideation and incubation to acceleration.

    In welcoming the recommendations of the lean start-up philosophy, funding will be given in smaller sums and more frequently, subject to steering based on an objectives and key results (OKR) framework. This approach will allow teams to focus better on deliverables and milestones that need to be accomplished if the project is to move to the next stage.

    In addition to funding innovation projects,  our corporate venture capital arm,  Munich Re Ventures  also works closely with the Munich  Re Group businesses across the globe to fund and partner with the best emerging companies that are developing new technologies and business models to transform tomorrow’s world.

    Our experts
    Tom van den Brulle -Portrait
    Tom Van den Brulle
    Global Head of Innovation
    offers global co-innovation in all defined playing fields for entrepreneurs, start-ups and corporate partners
    Martin Sondenheimer
    Martin Sondenheimer
    Head of Corporate Venture Building & Managing Director 1880fwd (formerly MR Innovation GmbH)
    offers co-ideation opportunities in all defined playing fields for entrepreneurs, start-ups and corporate partners
    Li Zi Jia
    Li Zi Jia
    Managing Director: Smart thinking Consulting Management (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. / Managing Director: Munich Re China Innovation R&D Center
    offers opportunities to explore innovation stories and digital businesses in China
    Dikla Wagner
    Dikla Wagner
    Head of Tech Scouting for Israel
    unearths new trends and scouts for promising partners

    Boost our team with your skills. Get in touch!

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