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Property insurance solutions
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Safeguarding your property risks

Property insurance solutions

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    In a changing risk landscape, we stand by your side as a trusted partner to overcome challenges in dealing with global property risks.

    Global economic interdependencies and large losses are on the rise, many of which are due to the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide – including secondary perils such as convective storms, hail, wildfires, and floods. To protect your business, you need a partner who knows the risks and understands the consequences. Our highly specialized team is committed to ensuring that our clients‘ businesses are not only resilient but also safe in an unpredictable world.
    of private and public-sector employees in management positions are concerned or very concerned about the economic impact of climate change on their company.
    Munich Re Climate Risk Survey 2024
    Our offer:
    Our cover includes:
    Our target industries:
    • Significant net capacity (even in highly exposed NatCat areas and on complex, high-hazard risks)
    • Customized nat cat areas analysis supported by state-of-the-art analytical technology
    • Consulting on wordings – our legal experts will take care of the fine print
    • Loss prevention and engineering insight from in-house experts with global experience
    • A large team of interdisciplinary experts providing vast industry know-how
    • Global benchmarking capabilities
    • Cross-line solutions
    • Parametric insurance solutions
    • Property all risks
      • Quota share
      • Excess of Loss (XoL)
    • Structured deals, such as multi-line/multi-year
    • Nat cat stand-alone and second-event covers
    • Captive solutions and aggregate XoL
    • Automotive 
    • Aviation
    • Chemicals
    • Electronics
    • Food & beverages
    • Healthcare
    • Hospitality and hotels
    • Logistics and transportation
    • Media
    • Metal processing
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Pulp and paper
    • Real estate
    • Retail
    • Semiconductors
    • Telecommunications
    • Textiles
    • Warehousing
      ... and many more
    The companies we serve rank among the world's largest companies
    and have a TIV exceeding 500m USD/EUR.

    Why choose Munich Re

    Specialized expertise

    Competitive products

    Financial strength

    Access to a solution-oriented, interdisciplinary team of over 50 property insurance specialists and more than 30 dedicated natural catastrophe experts for commercial and industrial companies. We offer innovative insights through our research and are a trusted long-term partner there for you shoud disaster strike.
    Enhance your company’s competitive edge with our diverse range of products and services. Benefit from insurance solutions, data analysis and consulting services that cover all key areas of the value chain. Explore our risk models–developed by our team of scientists and catastrophe modelers as well as enriched with insights from leading risk model providers.
    Our financial strength is highly rated by the industry’s leading rating agencies: A.M Best A+ (Superior), Fitch AA (Very strong) and S&P Global Ratings AA- (Very strong). We have a total net capacity of more than 30bn USD/EUR exposures–provided by comprehensive protection.
    Beatrix Hartinger
    © TBD
    You can rely on our extensive experience in dealing with property-related exposures provided by teams of experts that are specialized in various industry segments. We are committed to navigating complex exposures and finding customized solutions.
    Beatrix Hartinger
    Global Chief Underwriting Officer Property, Munich Re F&C

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    Contact us
    Patrick Steenwegen
    Patrick Steenwegen
    Underwriting Manager Corporate Property, Europe & International Placements
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Sanela Kaufmann
    Sanela Kaufmann
    Underwriting Manager Corporate Property, US/CAN domiciled risk through European broker placement
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Ed Leibrock
    Ed Leibrock
    Underwriting Manager Corporate Property, US domiciled risk through US broker placement
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Louis Pereira
    Louis Pereira
    Underwriting Manager Corporate Property, London/UK & AUS/NZL broker placement
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Parametrics, Location Risk Intelligence product RMP, Liability, Exec Liability, Insure AI
    Doreen Wengler
    Doreen Wengler
    Underwriting Manager Corporate Property, US/CAN domiciled risk through European broker placement
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Stewart Derek
    Derek Stewart
    Underwriting Manager, Toronto, Operational Power & Power Sector Construction
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate

    About Munich Re F&C: Leveraged expertise for individual and portfolio risks

    Munich Re F&C offers facultative reinsurance and corporate insurance solutions for large companies. With our collaborative approach and deep knowledge across all industries, our clients benefit from our risk assessment expertise, customized products and financial stability. Our client focus is rooted in our commitment to fostering partnerships for the long term. With our traditional and our innovative risk transfer solutions, we support you around the globe across all lines of business.

    What you need to know about property-related risks

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