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Cutting-edge liability solutions tailored to your industry
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Cutting-edge liability solutions tailored to your industry

Insurance products for complex and individual liability risks

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    In an era of rising liability risks, our expertise and customized solutions guarantee your business stays secure across all industries.

    Exposure is present even in the most carefully risk managed scenarios, and in many industries liability risks have become extremely multifaceted and challenging to assess.

    Due to their special nature these risks change in line with technological and social conditions – be it risks such as third-party claims, class actions, expensive recalls in the automotive industry, nuclear verdicts or the phenomenon of social inflation. This also makes it difficult to assess the risks, especially as they differ from market to market.

    We understand the challenges you face. Our in-depth industry knowledge as well as our financial strength enable us to tailor coverage to unique liability risk scenarios, helping you protect your business across all industries, from manufacturers to service providers.

    rise in number of nuclear verdicts above 100m (USD) from 2013 to 2023
    Source: US Chamber of Commerce

    Our offer for large organizations (revenues > 500m USD/EUR)

    • Excess liability / public & product liability, and product recall
    • Follow-form basis (market standard, captive insurance or bespoke wording)
    • Coinsurance or 100% layers 
    • Worldwide coverage for domestic and global risks
    • Coverage for a broad range of industries from manufacturing and construction to hospitality, real estate, utilities and many more
    Disclaimer: Insurance regulations and coverage offerings may differ globally.

    Third party injury or third party property damage - we are your partner

    Our main focus is on public and product liability, or excess liability. Depending on your risk appetite and limits insured, we support various programs. We help protect your business from litigation relating to third-party personal injury and third-party property damage, as well as loss from product recall.

    Why choose Munich Re

    Industry expertise

    Customized solutions

    Global reach

    Seamless partnership

    Our team is made up of experienced experts who have a deep understanding of various industries. From human error to mechanical failure, we know how to protect your business.
    One-size-fits-all solutions often fall short. Tailored approaches ensure comprehensive insurance protection that addresses specific industry liability risks. Substantial capacity is provided through both retail and wholesale distribution channels, directly or via a captive solution – worldwide.
    A presence in major financial hubs like Munich, London, Paris, New York, Chicago, Toronto, Singapore, and Bogota enables us to offer local underwriting support on a global scale.
    We value long-term partnerships with our clients. Our dedicated teams work closely with you to provide ongoing support and ensure your success. You can rely on our consistent approach to risk and a trusted team of claims, risk engineering and underwriting experts.
    Monika Hauke
    Our strategic approach is deeply rooted in a thorough analysis of market trends and emerging risks. We consider ourselves as an underwriting company with a focus on trying to understand insurable threats, working with our clients to help mitigate their risk exposures.
    Monika Hauke
    Global Chief Underwriting Officer Casualty, Munich Re F&C

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    Talk to our experts
    Mike Hudzik
    Mike Hudzik
    Underwriting Manager, US domiciled risks placed onshore via US brokers
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Victor Schultheiss
    Victor Schultheiss
    Underwriting Manager, NA domiciled risks placed offshore via UK/Europe brokers
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Stewart Derek
    Derek Stewart
    Underwriting Manager, Toronto, Operational Power & Power Sector Construction
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Adriano Bastiani
    Adriano Bastiani
    Underwriting Manager, London placed risks worldwide (excl US domiciled) and Australia
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate
    Miriam Wilbert
    Miriam Wilbert
    Underwriting Manager, Europe & RoW domiciled risks (excluding London market & Australia)
    Munich Re Facultative & Corporate

    About Munich Re F&C: Leveraged expertise for individual and portfolio risks

    Munich Re F&C offers facultative reinsurance and corporate insurance solutions for large companies. With our collaborative approach and deep knowledge across all industries, our clients benefit from our risk assessment expertise, customized products and financial stability. Our client focus is rooted in our commitment to fostering partnerships for the long term. With our traditional and our innovative risk transfer solutions, we support you around the globe across all lines of business.