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Munich Re signs the “Principles for Sustainable Insurance” (PSI) of the United Nations Environmental Programme Finance Initiative


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    Munich Re joins other insurers in supporting the United Nations Environmental Programme Finance Initiative's "Principles for Sustainable Insurance" (PSI), which are intended to serve insurers as a guideline for considering sustainability criteria in conducting their core business. As one of the very first signatories, Munich Re intends to apply the principles consistently in planning and implementing its strategy of sustainable, long-term value creation.

    Rio de Janeiro/Munich. The Principles for Sustainable Insurance were introduced by Achim Steiner, Under-Secretary-General of the UN and Executive Director of the UN Environmental Programme, in Rio de Janeiro in the run-up to the Rio+20 Conference. Developed by the United Nations Environmental Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), these principles are the culmination of a worldwide process of consultation and collaboration between insurers and other industry players. Munich Re has been involved since 2006 and recently, in its role as the Chair of the PSI Initiative, has worked in close cooperation with the UNEP FI to harmonise the principles now submitted.

    The aim is to establish the PSI within the insurance industry as voluntarily agreed principles with worldwide validity. As signatories to the PSI, insurers undertake to consider environmental, social and governance aspects (so-called ESG aspects) along the whole value-added chain, i.e. to systematically take into account issues involving the ecology, social responsibility and corporate governance in their interactions and activities with all stakeholders. In keeping with these principles, companies set themselves individual objectives and formulate specific action plans. Progress reports are to be submitted on a regular basis. The approach taken by the Principles for Sustainable Insurance corresponds to that of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). In 2006, Munich Re was the first company in Germany to sign those principles for responsible (i.e. sustainability-oriented) investment.

    The PSI were signed on behalf of Munich Re by Ludger Arnoldussen, member of the Board of Management: “Insurance, by its very nature, addresses the issue of sustainability in that it assesses risks and puts a price on them. Munich Re has a long-standing tradition of developing products that are both sustainable and enduring and of contributing its risk expertise to public debate. It is therefore entirely consistent and in line with this tradition for Munich Re to play an active role in this initiative by helping formulate principles for the insurance industry. At Munich Re, we plan to systematically integrate the PSI in decision-making processes throughout our Group and thus further enhance our risk management.” As was the case with the PRI, Munich Re was one of the very first German companies to commit to the PSI.

    This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the management of Munich Re. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements given here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company. The Company assumes no liability to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments.