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IPCC nominates lead authors for the next assessment report


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    Two Munich Re employees are among the experts nominated to be lead authors for the IPCC’s next assessment report, due to be completed in 2014. Dr. Eberhard Faust and four other scientists will be lead authors of the chapter on the economic impacts of climate change. Dr. Sandra Schuster, together with five other scientists, will be lead author of the chapter on impacts in Australasia. The lead authors and coordinating lead authors are responsible for different chapters in the IPCC’s assessment report, which is subject to peer reviews to ensure scientific quality standards are maintained. Nominated authors (individuals, not institutions) are chosen on account of their specialist knowledge.

    Eberhard Faust, a geoecologist, has worked in Munich Re’s Geo Risks Research since 2004. Sandra Schuster is a meteorologist who has been working in the field of natural hazard risk research at Munich Re, Sydney, since 2006.


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