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Our Shares

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    Share development

    Learn more on the current performance of our shares and bonds. Trading volume, the day's highs and lows, how they compare with important indices or price performance over different periods.

    Share profile

    First listing 21 March 1888 on the Munich stock exchange. For more information see the history page on our website.
    Index listings Munich Re shares are included in the leading stock exchange indices, e.g. DAX 40, DAX 50 ESG, DJ EURO STOXX 50, DJ EURO STOXX Insurance, MSCI Euro, FTSE EUROTOP 100, DJ Sustainability World.
    Securities codes Reuters Bloomberg WKN ISIN MUVGn MUV2 843002 DE0008430026
    Trading venues All of the German stock exchanges as well as the Xetra trading system (in Munich and Frankfurt in the regulated market/prime standard).
    Type of share No-par-value registered shares. Each share entitles the holder to one vote.
    Paying agent Deutsche Bank AG
    Currency EUR
    Accounting principles IFRS (since financial statement 1999)
    Closing of business year December, 31 (until December 31, 1998 closing of business year was June, 30)
    Sector Financials
    Subsector Insurance
    Domicile Country Munich Germany
    Commercial Register District Court Munich, No. HRB 42039

    Development of share capital

    Date Numer of Shares Share Capital in EUR
    12/31/24 133,760,287 587,725,396.48
    12/31/23 136,468,150 587,725,396.48
    12/31/22 140,098,931 587,725,396.48
    12/31/21 140,098,931 587,725,396.48
    12/31/20 140,098,931 587,725,396.48
    12/31/19 144,317,861 587,725,396.48
    12/31/18 149,538,477 587,725,396.48
    12/31/17 155,027,908 587,725,396.48
    Date Number of Shares Share Capital in EUR
    31.12.2016 161,053,897 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2015 166,843,961 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2014 172,942,618 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2013 179,341,212 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2012 179,341,212 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2011 179,341,212 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2010 188,468,471 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2009 197,401,624 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2008 206,403,804 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2007 217,888,670 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2006 229,580,233 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2005 229,580,233 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2004 229,580,233 587,725,396.48
    31.12.2003 229,580,233 587,725,396.48

    Shareholder profile

    Status: 31.12.2024
    Free float 100.0%
    Number of shareholders 341,000
    Status: 31.12.2023
    Free float 100.0%
    Number of shareholders 328,000
    Source: Munich Re Shareholders' Register
    Status: 31.12.2024
    Status: 31.12.2023
    Source: Munich Re Shareholders' Register
    Free float 100.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Core shareholdings 0.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Core shareholdings 0.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Core shareholdings 0.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Core shareholdings 11.6%
    Free float 88.4%
    Core shareholdings 11.2%
    Free float 88.8%
    Core shareholdings 11.2%
    Free float 88.8%
    Core shareholdings 10.2%
    Free float 89.8%
    Core shareholdings 10.2%
    Free float 89.8%
    Core shareholdings 0.0%
    Free float 100.0%
    Source: Munich Re Shareholders' Register

    Frequently asked questions

    Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions from shareholders and analysts. The questions have been arranged by topic area. If you cannot find a specific question here that you would like to have answered, please notify us. We will reply to your query as soon as possible.
    Munich Re had around 341,000 shareholders at the end of 2024.

    The implicit dividend commitment of recent decades is now an explicit target of the Munich Re Group Ambition 2025. In “normal” years, the dividend per share is to rise by ≥5% on average, similarly to the increase in earnings per share. In years with unusually high claims expenditure, it is expected that the dividend per share will at least remain the same.

    The dividends are proposed by the Board of Management and based on the financial statement of Münchener Rückversicherungs-AG. The proposed dividend, which is subject to approval by the Supervisory Board and the shareholders, is declared on the day of the AGM.

    To see what dividend has been paid out over the past few years, click here.

    The full dividend income of private investors domiciled in Germany will be paid out less a flat-rate tax of 25% (as well as the solidarity surcharge and, where relevant, church tax), unless tax exemption applies. In order to ensure that the tax-exempt allowances (i.e. investment income from interest, dividends and gains on the sale of securities) of €1,000 for single persons or €2,000 for married couples are taken into account, you should complete an exemption application form and submit it to your bank. Investors liable to taxation in Germany with an average tax rate lower than 25% can choose to include this income in their yearly tax declaration and will be reimbursed any excess tax paid after the relevant tax assessment in the following year.
    Foreign private shareholders (i.e. persons neither domiciled nor normally resident in Germany) are subject to limited taxation requirements in Germany in connection with certain investment income. This includes dividends from corporations whose management or seat is located in Germany. Taxation on dividends in Germany is covered by the withholding tax on income. Where a Double Taxation Agreement exists between Germany and the country of residence of the foreign shareholder, the withholding tax on income is generally limited to a maximum of 15% of gross dividend. Normally, there is a standard application procedure. Taxation in the shareholder's country of residence on dividends earned in Germany is subject to the fiscal regulations in the country of residence.
    You are entitled to a dividend on any Munich Re shares which are booked into your deposit on the day of the AGM. As a precaution please contact your bank. Due to a change in corporate law beginning 2017 the payment of the dividend by the company, will normally be effected, the decision of the AGM assumed, three banking days after the AGM.
    In accordance with the resolution adopted by the AGM on 2 July 1999, the Company no longer issues effective certificates; accordingly, there are only very few effective certificates in circulation. The stock exchanges trade exclusively in Munich Re shares through the giro transfer system.
    Unfortunately not. Now virtually all the Munich Re shares are traded on the giro transfer system for securities. As there are practically no historical securities from share certificate exchanges, we unfortunately have no non-valeurs to offer.
    In 2023 the average daily trading volume was around 297,000 shares.