CyberSafe e-trade platform
Our end-to-end cyber insurance quote and bind solution for brokers
Our CyberSafe e-trade platform has been designed to help brokers easily quote, bind, and manage their clients’ cyber insurance policies.
What is the CyberSafe E-Trade Platform?
Our CyberSafe E-Trade platform is our cloud-based, quote and bind portal for cyber insurance solutions.
The portal offers a straight-forward quotation facility, which includes a premium indication, target premium feedback facility and immediate issuance of contract certain quotations and policy documentation.
Our platform is backed by Realytix Zero, Munich Re’s digital underwriting solution.
What do brokers say about our platform?
Tutorials and walkthroughs
Creating a new quotation
Binding your new business quotation
Renewing your clients' policy
Frequently asked questions
How to access and login to the platform?
Please check that you are using the correct URL: https://realytixzero.munichre.com
(right click then select ‘open hyperlink’ or copy/paste into your browser)
How to register or add a new user?
How to reset your password?
In the event you have forgotten your password, please go to https://realytixzero.munichre.com/ and click ‘Forgotten your password’. You will then be issued a new password to enable you to log on.
If you are still struggling, please email ciam@munichre.com and a member of the team will assist you.
Are you experiencing issues connecting to the platform?
Potential problems to explore include:
Internet Service Provider related problems.
Using a (corporate) VPN that blocks certain settings that are needed.
Not using a VPN and the corporate security policy is not allowing for certain settings that are needed for the platform without a VPN connection.
Having firewall (hard- and/or software firewalls) related settings that stop access.
Being a “guest” user in Wi-Fi networks.
Unstable / lost Wi-Fi or LAN connection.
Are you experiencing issues whilst logged in to the platform?
Are you getting automatic timeout due to security reasons (most probable reason)?
The solution: Close Realytix down and log in again.
If the error repeats itself: Please take a screenshot of the error and send it to cyber@nmu.co.uk, so we can investigate.
Please be advised that weekly updates of a Tuesday morning result in a downtime of up to 30 minutes, if you’re logged in during this time then you will receive a ‘Server Error’ message.