UK and Ireland

HSB developing engineers through pioneering new apprenticeship programme


Press Release

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    • New engineer surveyor apprenticeship programme available in the UK
    • Provides a clear career path for engineering talent
    • Underpins HSB's commitment to nurturing the next generation of engineer surveyors

    Developing new engineers 

    HSB has launched a new engineer surveyor apprenticeship programme, thought to be one of the first in the UK engineering inspection industry. The scheme, funded by the UK Government, is designed to deliver a new standard within the engineering sector.

    Working in partnership with Compass Skills Training, HSB's apprenticeship programme provides a clear career path for new engineering talent and underpins HSB's commitment to ensuring the industry nurtures the next generation of engineer surveyors. 

    The apprenticeship is aimed at those aged over 21 with a level 3 NVQ in engineering and 3 year's hands-on experience. The programme is best suited to people who are looking for a change in direction within the engineering industry. Apprentices participating in the programme benefit from a defined career path, flexible distance learning and funding for a Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Engineering.

    "We're really proud to have launched our engineer surveyor apprenticeship programme in partnership with Compass Skills Training. The engineering inspection industry provides excellent opportunities for engineers to use their technical skills and expertise across a wide variety of equipment and industries. Collaborating with industry experts and our excellent training providers, we've been able to tailor this apprenticeship programme to build a workforce with the right skills and training for the future."

    Emma Hirst, Compass Skills Training, commented: "Compass are proud to have been involved in this project. Now, more than ever, investing in the development of staff and using the apprenticeship fund to help with that investment makes good business sense. Blending Compass's corporate and academic approach and HSB’s own experienced mentors has created a bespoke learning journey for engineers."

    At HSB, we‘ve worked hard to ensure the programme is as comprehensive as possible. The programme offers and fully complements our strategic vision to develop the new generation of engineer surveyors in a structured and industry-approved approach.

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