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Release of an announcement according to Section 25a, para. 1 of the WpHG

[the German Securities Trading Act]


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    WKN 843002
    ISIN DE0008430026

    We received the following four notifications pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:

    Notification I:

    1. Listed company:

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    Königinstraße 107, 80802 München, Deutschland

    2. Notifier:

     Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, London, UK

    3. Triggering event:

    Exceeding threshold

    4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:


    5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:


    6. Total amount of voting rights:

    6.84% (equals 12,772,542 voting rights)
    calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 179,341,212

    7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    0.84% (equals 1,514,404 voting rights)

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    0.11% (equals 200,000 voting rights)

    Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
    0.00% (equals 8,544 voting rights)

    8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:

    Chain of controlled undertakings:

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument:
    See at the end of notification

    Notification II:

    1. Listed company:

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    Königinstraße 107, 80802 München, Deutschland

    2. Notifier:

     Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, London, UK

    3. Triggering event:

    Exceeding threshold

    4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:


    5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:


    6. Total amount of voting rights:

    6.84% (equals 12,772,542 voting rights)
    calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 179,341,212

    7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)

    Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
    0.00% (equals 8,544 voting rights)

    8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:

    Chain of controlled undertakings:
    Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument:
    See at the end of notification

    Notification III:

    1. Listed company:

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    Königinstraße 107, 80802 München, Deutschland

    2. Notifier:

    Morgan Stanley Group (Europe), London, UK

    3. Triggering event:

    Exceeding threshold

    4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:


    5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:


    6. Total amount of voting rights:

    6.92% (equals 12,415,719 voting rights)
    calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 179,341,212

    7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)

    Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
    0.08% (equals 151,721 voting rights)

    8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:

    Chain of controlled undertakings:
    Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, Morgan Stanley UK Group

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument:
    See at the end of notification

    Notification IV:

    1. Listed company:

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    Königinstraße 107, 80802 München, Deutschland

    2. Notifier:

    Morgan Stanley International Limited, London, UK

    3. Triggering event:

    Exceeding threshold

    4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:


    5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:


    6. Total amount of voting rights:

    6.92% (equals 12,415,719 voting rights)
    calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 179,341,212

    7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.04% (equals 5,455,468 voting rights)

    Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
    0.08% (equals 151,721 voting rights)

    8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:

    Chain of controlled undertakings:
    Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, Morgan Stanley UK Group, Morgan Stanley Group (Europe)

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument:
    See at the end of notification

    Notification V

    1. Listed company:

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    Königinstraße 107, 80802 München, Deutschland

    2. Notifier:

    Morgan Stanley International Holdings Inc, Delaware, USA

    3. Triggering event:

    Exceeding threshold

    4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:


    5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:


    6. Total amount of voting rights:

    7.29% (equals 13,075,338 voting rights)
    calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 179,341,212

    7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:
    3.38% (equals 6,069,330 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.38% (equals 6,069,330 voting rights)

    Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
    0.11% (equals 197,478 voting rights)

    8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:

    Chain of controlled undertakings:
    Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, Morgan Stanley UK Group, Morgan Stanley Group (Europe), Morgan Stanley International Limited

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument:
    See at the end of notification

    Notification VI

    1. Listed company:

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    Königinstraße 107, 80802 München, Deutschland

    2. Notifier:

    Morgan Stanley, Delaware, USA

    3. Triggering event:

    Exceeding threshold

    4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:


    5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:


    6. Total amount of voting rights:

    8.71% (equals 15,627,057 voting rights)
    calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 179,341,212

    7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    3.80% (equals 6,808,530 voting rights)

    Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25 WpHG:
    4.69% (equals 8,406,878 voting rights)
    thereof held indirectly:
    4.69% (equals 8,406,878 voting rights)

    Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
    0.23% (equals 411,649 voting rights)

    8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG:

    Chain of controlled undertakings:
    Morgan Stanley & Co International Plc, Morgan Stanley UK Group, Morgan Stanley Group (Europe), Morgan Stanley International Limited, Morgan Stanley International Holdings Inc

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument:
    See at the end of notification

    ISIN or name/description of the financial/other instrument (relevant for all notices I to VI):

    Section 25 WpHG:

    Physically-Settled Call Options
    Expiration dates: 02 May 2012, 18 May 2012, 15 June 2012, 14 December 2012, 21 December 2012, 15 March 2013

    Retransfer claims
    Expiration date: Various contracts that can be exercised at the lenders discretion

    Section 25a WpHG:

    Cash-Settled Call Options
    Expiration date: 21 December 2012

    Physically Settled Put Options
    Expiration dates: 02 May 2012, 18 May 2012, 15 June 2012, 21 December 2012

    Cash-Settled Swaps
    Expiration dates: 10 January 2013, 16 December 2013, 13 January 2014, 30 September 2015

    Cash-Settled Put Options
    Expiration dates: 15 June 2012, 22 June 2012

    Cash-Settled Futures
    Expiration dates: 18 May 2012, 15 June 2012, 20 July 2012

    Munich, 4 May 2012

    The Board of Management