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Präsentationen & Events

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    Aktuelle Unternehmenspräsentation

    GS SUSTAIN – Field Trip in Munich

    6. Juni 2024
    Weather extremes, climate change and net-zero: Perspectives from Munich Re

    Société Générale - ESG SRI Conference 

    Meetings with Management

    Berenberg Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) Conference

    Investor Day (IFRS 17)

    Societe Generale 2050 Investors Podcast “Insuring Acts of God”

    ESG Webinar für Analysten und Investoren

    HSBC Virtual Financials ESG Conference

    BofA ESG Integration Virtual Conference 2021

    Overview: Remuneration system for the Board of Management
    as of 1 January 2021 (including changes as of 1 January 2022)

    Investor Day

    Telephone conference 
    Outlook for 2020 and 2021

    ESG Conference, Frankfurt

    Hier finden Sie das Archiv der Präsentationen 2018-2009.