Underwriting service changes in the Republic of Ireland
Frequently asked questions
What is changing?
From 3 January 2023, all new business, renewals and mid-term adjustments for insurance and inspection business will be handled by our expert team of underwriters in our Dublin office.
Why are we making this change?
Customer experience is central to our business and ensuring our brokers have direct access to underwriters to support them is of key importance. As a result, we are improving our service to our Irish brokers by having a dedicated underwriting team in place in Dublin to deal with all new business, mid-term adjustments, renewals and underwriting queries.
Who do I contact for insurance and inspection renewals?
From 3 January, for any insurance and inspection renewals and mid-term adjustments, please contact our underwriting team in Dublin on 1800 200 137 or email roibranch@hsbeil.com.
Who do I contact for insurance and inspection new business enquiries?
You should continue to contact the Dublin team on 1800 200 137 or email roibranch@hsbeil.com for all your new business enquiries.
What about mid-term adjustments or any changes to policy details?
From 3 January, for any insurance and inspection renewals and mid-term adjustments, please contact our underwriting team in Dublin on 1800 200 137 or email roibranch@hsbeil.com.
Will the accounts contact be the same?
Any accounts queries should continue to be directed to our credit control team via email: creditmanagement@hsbeil.com.
Who do I contact now for claims notifications and queries?
Any claims notifications or claims queries should continue to be directed to our claims team on 1800 812 363 or email to newloss@hsbeil.com.
Who do I contact for inspection services queries?
From 3 January, for any inspection service queries, please contact our underwriting team in Dublin on 1800 200 137 or email roibranch@hsbeil.com.
How will my e-trade business be handled now?
There is no change to how you e-trade with us. Any e-trade referrals or queries will continue to be handled by our e-trade team, who can be contacted on 1800 200 149 or email etrade@hsbeil.com.
Are there any changes to HSB's regulatory status?
No, there are no changes to our regulatory status in the Republic of Ireland. We continue to operate as a third country branch.
Will the address and contact details for Dublin stay the same?
Yes, we will still be located at 28 Windsor Place, Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin 2.
When is the change happening?
From 3 January 2023.
What business can our Republic of Ireland team underwrite?
The team in Dublin can underwrite our full suite of insurance and inspection services products, namely: