Tailored to your needs, you will find the most suitable contact point to address your questions and suggestions below.
- We recommend policyholders to address their questions about policy or claims submissions directly to their agents. The agents we authorise are responsible for assessing risks, issuing policies and handling claims on behalf of Great Lakes. You may reach your agent or intermediary as stated on your insurance policy or supplementary material.
- Brokers for the London market can access the most important information and contact details within Our Single Risk Experts in London.
- Insurers, agents and industry clients should direct general questions about Great Lakes to our headquarters. For country-specific queries, please approach our regional offices. Contact details for all offices are below.
German Head Office
Great Lakes Insurance SE
Königinstraße 107
80802 München
Visiting address
Am Münchner Tor 1
80805 München
Tel.: +49 (89) 244455270
Fax: +49 (89) 244455271
E-mail: contact_greatlakes@munichre.com
Great Lakes Insurance SE is a Societas Europaea incorporated in Germany, registered with the commercial register of the local court of Munich with number HRB 230378.
UK Branch
1 Fen Court
London, EC3M 5BN
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (20) 3003 7000
E-mail: enquiriesGLLB@glise.com
UK establishment number: BR023228
Company number: FC038136
Great Lakes Insurance SE is authorised and regulated by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht. Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.
UK Subsidiary
1 Fen Court
London, EC3M 5BN
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (20) 3003 7000
E-mail: enquiriesGLLS@glise.com
Website: www.munichre.com/glls
Registered in England and Wales, Company number: 13436330
Australian Branch
Great Lakes Insurance SE, Australian Branch
Level 28, 60 Martin Place
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel.: +61 (2) 9272 2050
Fax: +61 (2) 9272 2066
E-mail: reception@gla.com.au
Website: www.munichre.com/gla
ARBN 127 740 532
ABN 18 964 580 576
AFSL No. 318 603
Irish Branch
Asgard House
19/20 City Quay
Dublin 2
D02 K744
Tel. +353 1 584 7520
E-mail: ireland@glise.com
Registered in the Republic of Ireland
Est. No. 908944
VAT number: IE9843503I
Italian Branch
Via Caldera, 21
20153 Milano
Visiting address
Via Pola 9 - 20124 Milano
Tel.: +39 02 409991
Fax: +39 02 409993400
E-mail: contact_greatlakes@munichre.com
Website: www.munichre.com/glit
Registered at the Register of Enterprises in Milan, No. 07350040965
R.E.A. - MI 1952583
Registered with the IVASS Register Companies, No. I.00093
Swiss Branch
Great Lakes Insurance SE, Munich, Cham Branch
Gewerbestrasse 6
6330 Cham
Tel.: +41 (41) 725 32 21
E-mail: contact_greatlakes@munichre.com
For Swiss motor call and service centres and for motor claims, please contact: +41 (43) 543 81 81
Commercial register Canton Zug
Company number: CHE-113.974.610
Great Lakes Insurance SE, Munich, Cham Branch is authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) to conduct insurance business in Switzerland.