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Event App data protection information

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    The protection of privacy and of your personal data are important to us. Because we do not want to collect any personal data relating to you without your knowledge and express consent, we would like to describe below what information we may record, and for what purpose.

    What is personal data?

    Personal data means information about a person’s identity, such as their name, address, telephone and fax numbers, birth date and email address.

    What categories of data will we use, and for what purposes do we process personal data?

    Depending on the event, various possibilities will be offered for which the Event App can be used. Some of the following permissions may therefore have been previously deactivated and will not appear for you. Since the App is available for various systems, differing levels of permission may be displayed. 

    The Event App provides information to participants about every aspect of the event (e.g. schedule, presentations, participants, site maps, quiz). The user also receives organisational information via the App. An internet connection will sometimes be required to use the App. For this reason, the App will need corresponding network permissions such as internet access, Bluetooth or WiFi. 

    The App offers participants the opportunity to comment on and document the event. There is an account set up for this purpose, which will usually be personalised and tailored to individual needs. You can take pictures and add them to an “activity stream”, for which access permissions for the photo functions, your account and contact data will be required, since the App will attribute the mobile phone’s information in creating the App account. 

    In order to register the user, Munich Reinsurance Company (data controller) will record at least the following information: password, email address. 

    Upon registering for the event, you already consented to the provision of your contact details on the participant page in the Event App. You have furthermore consented to the use of photographs and videos taken during the event by Munich Re and its affiliated companies for communication purposes in online and offline media. 

    You can withdraw your consent to the provision of participant details, and the taking and use of photographs and videos at any time. To do so, please send an email to contact@munichre.com

    You can upload a picture to your profile. You can also publish pictures to the “stream”. In doing so, please respect the privacy rights of any people in the pictures. 

    You can save interesting agenda items, or the entire schedule, to the calendar. You can then have all current event information available on your telephone. You need corresponding permissions for the calendar to do so. In order to automatically issue a reminder for an appointment (e.g. vibration), the App needs access to those functions. 

    In order to show event sites, or allow you the possibility of seeing your current location, the App needs access to those functions. If the map services of an external provider (e.g. Google maps) are used, data may be sent to such providers. Should you wish to prevent this, please switch off your mobile phone’s location function. 

    If you participate in surveys or quizzes, this data will be saved to the device and sent to the event organisers. 

    Munich Reinsurance Company will, in accordance with the data protection provisions in effect at the Company’s head office, treat with strictest confidence any personal data you send while using the App. If you send us an email or complete and submit an online form, we will use any personal data you provide (such as your name or email address) only to correspond with you, to send you the documents or information you requested, or for the other purpose(s) stipulated on the particular form. Your personal data will not be made available to third parties.

    When downloading the mobile app, the required information is transferred to the app store, e.g. user name, email address, etc. We have no influence on this data collection and are not responsible for it. 

    Who will be responsible for processing your data, and how can you reach the Data Protection Officer?

    Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München
    (Munich Reinsurance Company Joint-Stock Company in Munich)  
    Königinstrasse 107 
    80802 Munich 
    email: contact@munichre.com 

    Our Data Protection Officer can be reached at the above address – by adding the words “Data Protection Officer” – or at the following email address datenschutz@munichre.com

    What is the legal basis for our processing of your personal data?

    We process your personal data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and all other applicable laws:  

    a) Based on the consent you have given (Article 6[1]{a} of the GDPR)  

    For participants and presenters, contact details are provided on the respective participant pages on the basis of their consent. The same applies to videos and photographs taken during the event.

    b) To fulfil (pre-)contractual duties (Article 6[1]{b} of the GDPR)  

    For external presenters, making and publishing audio/video recordings can also occur within the scope of fulfilling an existing consultancy agreement. 

    c) To fulfil the employment relationship in accordance with Section 26(1), first sentence, BDSG, in conjunction with Art. 88(1) of the GDPR 

    For participants, the processing of contact information and written contributions can also serve to fulfil the employment relationship, as well as purposes compatible with it (such as, in particular, training and further training). Collective agreements (group and works agreements) can set more detailed rules on this. 

    d) Based on legitimate interests (Article 6[1]{f} of the GDPR) 

    If we process contact information or we keep written records of texts written by participants – and we make them available as described above – doing so can also be on account of Munich Re’s overriding legitimate interests. 

    The further processing of your personal data after the consent you gave has been withdrawn can also be founded on this legal basis. This presupposes that Munich Re’s legitimate interests in further processing override your interest in erasure of the data.

    Who receives your data?

    Within Munich Re, only those staff and departments who are responsible for the respective process will receive personal data in order to meet the above-mentioned requirements. The data may also be disclosed to service providers for the purposes set out above. External service providers may provide support in connection with, for instance, the execution of events. 

    Will we send your data to third countries?

    If personal data needs to be transferred to service providers or Group companies outside the European Economic Area (EEA), this will be done only if the European Commission has confirmed that the respective country’s level of data protection is sufficient, or if data protection is otherwise sufficiently guaranteed (for example through standard EU contractual clauses). We have concluded a data processing agreement pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR with Stockfish SA, whose registered office is in Switzerland, in connection with services for the use of the App. 

    What measures do we have in place to protect your data?

    We have state-of-the-art technical and organisational security measures to protect data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, and access by unauthorised parties. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect any information you enter in dialogue forms. SSL encryption protects your data against unauthorised third-party access during transfer. You can recognise an encrypted connection by the change in your browser address line from “http://” to “https://”, and the padlock symbol appearing in your browser bar. 

    How long will your data be stored?

    We will delete the audio/video recordings and participants’ texts within six months. We will store your declaration of consent for a maximum of one year. 

    Are you obliged to provide your data?

    You are not required to provide personal data when using the Event App. We will, however, need your email address so that we can grant you event access. Without this data, Munich Re cannot carry out the services you request. For presenters, their existing contractual relationship may require them to provide personal data, particularly contact information and, for example, information on their career. 

    Usage behaviour

    While you are using the App, we will record data (such as date, time, pages visited, navigation, software used, telephone ID) for the purposes of analysing usage behaviour. Usage data is recorded, processed and utilised only to help us better tailor the App to our users’ needs. The data will be rendered anonymous wherever possible.

    What privacy rights can you claim as a data subject?

    At the address indicated above, you may request information about the personal data we have stored under your name. In addition, under certain conditions you may request that your data be deleted or corrected. Furthermore, you may also have a right to restrict the processing of your data and a right to disclosure of the data you have made available in a structured, common and machine-readable format.  

    Please contact the aforementioned address to exercise these rights. 

    Right to object/Right to withdraw consent 

    If we process your data for the purposes of protecting legitimate interests, you may object to this processing on grounds relating to your particular situation. We will then stop the processing, unless we have compelling legitimate interests to do so which override your grounds. Even after giving your consent, you are entitled to revoke it for the future without detriment. We will then stop the processing, unless we have compelling legitimate interests to do so which override your grounds. 

    Whom can you contact if you have a complaint?

    If you have a complaint, you may contact the aforementioned Data Protection Officer, or the state data protection authority. The public authority responsible for Munich Re is: 

    Data Protection Authority of Bavaria for the Private Sector (Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht) 
    Promenade 27 
    91522 Ansbach

