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Change on the Board of Management of the ERGO Insurance Group



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    Bettina Anders, Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherungsgruppe AG and Chief Information Officer, will leave the Company at her own request and by amicable agreement at the end of 31 December 2015. For personal reasons, Ms Anders does not seek to extend her contract which expires at the end of the year. Her succession will be settled at a later date.

    Bettina Anders was appointed to the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherungsgruppe AG in 2007. She has since been responsible for Information Technology and Information Security within the Company. ERGO’s Chairman of the Board of Management, Torsten Oletzky, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Anders very much for her high level of commitment and her highly valuable work during her 25 years of service to our Company. On behalf of all Board members, I wish her all the best for her future.”

    About the ERGO Insurance Group
    ERGO is one of the major insurance groups in Germany and Europe. Worldwide, the Group is represented in over 30 countries and concentrates on Europe and Asia. ERGO offers a comprehensive spectrum of insurance, provision and services. In its home market of Germany, ERGO ranks among the leading providers across all segments. About 43,000 people work for the Group, either as salaried employees or as full-time self-employed sales representatives. In 2014, ERGO recorded a premium income of 18 billion euros and rendered benefits to customers at almost the same level. ERGO is part of Munich Re, one of the world's leading reinsurers and risk carriers.
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