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Release of an announcement according to Section 21, para. 1 of the WpHG

[the German Securities Trading Act]


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    WKN 843002
    ISIN DE0008430026
    (Allianz Global Investors)

    Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, has informed us according to Section 21, para. 1 of the WpHG that its share of voting rights in our company exceeded the 3% threshold of the voting rights on 19 June 2015 and on that day amounted to 3.001% (this corresponds to 5,007,693 voting rights). Thereof 1.95% (this corresponds to 3,261,626 voting rights) are attributable to it in accordance with Section 22, para. 1 sentence 1 item 6.

    Munich, 24 June 2015

    The Board of Management