Addressing trends in public entity transit risk
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Addressing trends in public entity transit risk

Public transit, including buses and light rail, plays an integral role in modern society, connecting people efficiently to home, work, community events and just about any other location a person may need to visit.

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    As the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) states, public transit helps build thriving communities, promotes job growth, reduces traffic congestion and supports a cleaner environment.
     American Public Transportation Association
    © Munich Re

    Yet public transit operations are complex and multifaceted and present a number of unique risks that must be addressed. Risks related to vehicle accidents, ridership trends, public safety, worker injuries and fleet maintenance, among others, must all be considered. With complex risks comes the need for an insurance team that has specialized expertise and a firm handle on the public transit insurance market.

    Download our transit infographic to learn more about addressing public entity transit risk.

    Contact us
    Joe Peppelman
    Joe Peppelman
    Senior Vice President
    Munich Re Specialty

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