Facultative Programs

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    Strong financial reliability, automatic pricing, access to expert underwriting, custom solutions, and a simple placement process add efficiency to your facultative program needs.


    • Individual contracts built to your specifications
    • Substantial financial capacity available for selected programs
    • May cover a full portfolio of business or single class

    Property Facultative Programs

    Programs can be created to cover only commercial property or expanded to include other lines of business including:

    • Agri-business
    • Auto physical damage
    • Commercial Property
    • Homeowners
    • Inland marine

    Casualty Facultative Programs

    Lines of business include:

    • Agri-business
    • Auto liability
    • General liability
    • Professional liability
    • Umbrella liability
    • Workers compensation


    Seasoned professionals

    Our team of seasoned, knowledgeable professionals provide the superior underwriting and risk control oversight that are critical to your success. Easily accessible and always reliable, our designated facultative program professionals bring many years of experience and an unmatched level of expertise in effectively translating your program needs into financially sound, custom solutions.

    Your success is our success

    We measure success by how well we develop solutions that fit your needs. As your coverage needs evolve, we will work closely with our treaty and facultative certificate underwriters to identify ways to help you grow your portfolio.

    Simple and efficient placement

    Submitting your facultative program reinsurance is easy and efficient with AutoFac®, our exclusive quotation, bordereau, and management information system. Through AutoFac® you can manage your entire book of property/casualty facultative program business and track your exposures online.

    Exceptional claims service

    Our outstanding financial strength means we have the liquidity to pay claims promptly. Additionally, our Claims division is one of the strongest in the industry. They work in close partnership with you to optimize the underwriting process by defining the appropriate loss prevention strategies for your business.

    Further information