Munich Re America Employees Put Hearts and Hard Work into Day of Service


Press Release

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    Princeton, New Jersey - Employees from Munich Reinsurance America, Inc., the US subsidiary of Munich Re, recently took time away from their every-day work to focus on something equally important – a day of service in the communities where approximately 1,000 U.S.-based employees call home.

    This is the second annual “Day of Service,” following last year’s inaugural event which generated overwhelmingly positive feedback from employees and community groups.

    “It’s a great feeling to be able to give back to some of the local organizations that make our communities better places to live and work,” said Daniel Fisher, Head of Human Resources for Munich Re America. “We are fortunate to have employees who, whether through work or on their own personal time, give so generously to help others in need. September 23 was a special day for us as colleagues from our main campus in Princeton, N.J., and branch offices across the U.S., joined forces to make an even broader impact.”

    Some of the local organizations Munich Re America partnered with for the Day of Service were:

    • Boys and Girls Club of Mercer Count
    • Community FoodBank of New Jersey
    • Crawford House
    • Stop Hunger Now
    • Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK)

    “As a beneficiary of the good works of these dedicated volunteers, I can only express sincere gratitude for the projects they undertake at our facility,” stated Linda M. Leyhane, Managing Director at Crawford House. “It is only through community partnerships of this kind that Crawford House is able to continue to provide assistance to homeless and indigent women.”

    Volunteer activities included fixing bicycles, organizing school supplies and working on creative projects for youth; yard work, exterior window cleaning and paint touch up; warehouse sorting, boxing and delivery of donated food items; serving lunch at a women’s shelter; and assembling 1,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

    Munich Re America General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Robin Willcox, who is also Executive Sponsor of the company’s Charitable Giving Committee, participated in the day of service. She said, “Through our Day of Service, I have been privileged to work with outstanding charitable organizations: The Community Food Bank last year and Stop Hunger Now and TASK this year. These activities reminded me of the amazing impact these organizations have on our communities, and that every volunteer can make a difference!”

    Munich Re stands for exceptional solution-based expertise, consistent risk management, financial stability and client proximity. This is how Munich Re creates value for clients, shareholders and staff. In the financial year 2013, the Group – which combines primary insurance and reinsurance under one roof – achieved a profit of €3.3bn on premium income of over €51bn. It operates in all lines of insurance, with almost 45,000 employees throughout the world. With premium income of around €28bn from reinsurance alone, it is one of the world’s leading reinsurers. Especially when clients require solutions for complex risks, Munich Re is a much sought-after risk carrier. Its primary insurance operations are concentrated mainly in the ERGO Insurance Group, one of the major insurance groups in Germany and Europe. ERGO is represented in over 30 countries worldwide and offers a comprehensive range of insurances, provision products and services. In 2013, ERGO posted premium income of €18bn. In international healthcare business, Munich Re pools its insurance and reinsurance operations, as well as related services, under the Munich Health brand. Munich Re’s global investments amounting to €209bn are managed by MEAG, which also makes its competence available to private and institutional investors outside the Group.

    This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the management of Munich Re. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements given here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company. The Company assumes no liability to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments.