Renewable Energy Solutions

The insurance industry has a vital role to play in building a sustainable and resilient world.
Coverage and limits
Our renewable energy team can provide insurance solutions for property damage and associated delay in start-up or business interruption risks in the renewable and clean power sector. Our solutions provide coverage for construction and operational exposures, with a particular focus on:
- Wind (onshore and offshore)
- Solar photovoltaics (PV)
- Battery energy storage systems (BESS)

We also look at solutions for established and emerging clean power technologies, such as:
- Geothermal (including operators’ extra expense and resource risk)
- Biofuel
- Hydropower
- Carbon capture systems
- Hydrogen
As well as traditional indemnity-based products, we also offer parametric cover for renewables.
We are able to write risks on a direct, facultative reinsurance and delegated authority basis.

Our claims specialists are here to help with your queries.
Please note: If you’re the policyholder and have bound cover through an insurance broker, please contact your broker to lodge a claim on your behalf.