Construction Insurance
Comprehensive cover for construction risks

We understand the risks your clients face, and we know how to help
We provide coverage for a range of risks relating to construction and engineering projects, with insureds able to select the coverage that meets their needs:
- Physical loss of or damage to contract works
- Physical loss of or damage to their own construction plant and temporary buildings
- Their liability for hired in construction plant and temporary buildings
- Physical loss of or damage to employee tools
Target risks
Wide ranging appetite for Irish and European domiciled companies of all sizes from small/micro to large/corporate, involved in construction or engineering projects requiring cover for Contractors All Risks (CAR), Engineers All Risks (EAR), own plant or hired in plant.
- Wide trade and profile acceptance including work undertaken internationally
- Annual policies or project cover, where the contract requires the employer to insure
Limited risk appetite
- Projects in excess of 24 months
- Modern methods of construction
- Civil Engineering projects
- Single items of construction plant owned or hired in excess of EUR 500,000
Outside of risk appetite
- Risks domiciled outside of Europe
- Self-build projects
- Large single structure timber frame risks
- Basement excavations
- Marine civil engineering
- Defects Exclusion 5 (DE5)
- Delay in start-up / advanced loss of profits
- Onshore drilling rigs, directional drilling, tunnelling or mining
- Coal, oil or gas installation
- Marquees and tents
- Landfill, waste transfer, recycling
Additional information
- Cover is provided on a DE4 basis
- Cover can include joint names on a composite basis where required under contract
- Cover extends internationally as standard and includes general average and salvage charges

Why work with us?
Get in touch with us
Making a claim
Frequently asked questions
What is Contractors All Risks (CAR)?
What is Erection All Risks (EAR)?
What’s the difference between DE3 and DE4?
The information provided in this content is intended for Irish insurance brokers acting on behalf of their prospective or existing clients.
Any description is for general information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any product. Policyholders who have questions or wish to arrange or amend cover should contact their insurance broker. Insurance brokers can find details of how to contact us here.
Any descriptions of coverage contained are meant to be general in nature and do not include nor are intended to include all of the actual terms, benefits, and limitations found in an insurance policy. The terms of any specific policy will instead govern that policy. Any guidance for Irish insurance brokers is intended to provide general information only, and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice.