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Re|think the future of risk assessment.

Introducing Munich Re Life’s new five-part webinar series exploring innovations in underwriting and data science.

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    New risks. New data. New technology.

    Munich Re Life is transforming the way we assess risk so we can put the best solution in our client's hands. We are investing in innovative analytics solutions, optimizing the use of data, and leveraging our industry expertise across disciplines.

    Join us as we explore the future of risk assessment together and view the sessions below!

    Explore the webinar series

    Medicine & Machine Learning

    Munich Re

    In this webinar, Munich Re Canada’s Medical Director, Dr. Timothy Meagher, examined the impact of machine learning on the practice of medicine.

    An executive summary and recording of the session are available for your reference.

    Munich Re

    In this webinar, Thomas Naraindas, Senior Data Scientist, Integrated Analytics, explored increases in the utilization of data analytics, predictive modeling, risk algorithms, and accelerated underwriting programs to understand if and when fluid testing is useful or needed in the underwriting process.

    An executive summary and recording of the session are available for your reference.

    Munich Re

    In this webinar, Hareem Naveed, Director, Integrated Analytics and Amy Atkinson, Deputy General Counsel covered explicit and implicit guidance by regulators in evaluating models for fairness and presented a technical framework to mitigate bias in a model based risk assessment model. 

    An executive summary and recording of the session are available for your reference.

    Munich Re
    As the life insurance application process evolves to provide less invasive, accelerated pathways, extra mortality risk may surface if policyholders more frequently misrepresent key underwriting information such as smoking status and body mass index (BMI). In this webinar, Lisa Seeman, 2nd VP and Actuary, Biometric Research and Accelerated Underwriting Services, and Clinton Innes, Senior Data Scientist, Integrated Analytics, explored how data science and actuarial monitoring techniques can help manage this mortality risk.
    Munich Re
    With an estimated 90% of the world’s data collected in the last two years, digital strategies are evolving rapidly. In this webinar, Adnan Haque (AVP, Integrated Analytics) and Dave Goehrke (AVP, Underwriting, Biometric Research and Accelerated Underwriting Services) explored how insurers and reinsurers are reinventing their underwriting processes to adapt to this new reality.

    As a leader in the life reinsurance market, Munich Re Life’s expertise expands from market-leading offerings that include individual life and living benefits reinsurance, group reinsurance and financial reinsurance, to predictive analytics, digital partnerships, and standard-setting underwriting and medical capabilities.

    We believe that the digital economy offers an unprecedented opportunity for the industry to rapidly advance risk assessment and close the widening global underinsured gap.

    Learn more about our insights and innovations.