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Changing the Risk Trajectory With an Accurate Picture of Health

Perspectives on the impact of obesity

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    Effectively managing and mitigating metabolic risk

    Despite the growing risks posed by increasing obesity in North America, new tools, predictive analytics, and disruptive technology solutions make it possible to develop fairer and more accurate pricing while potentially expanding the insured population. The key is moving beyond imprecise measures like BMI in isolation and holistically considering multiple associated factors to assess metabolic health more accurately.
    The key is moving beyond imprecise measures like BMI in isolation and holistically considering multiple associated factors to assess metabolic health more accurately.
    As your risk management partner, Munich Re is committed to helping you develop the best understanding of metabolic risk and better assess, manage and mitigate it in your business. We also continue to study new third-party solutions with the potential to revolutionize underwriting programs. Partner with us to leverage our powerful tools and innovative solutions such as the metabolic risk calculator, Digital Assessment Platform (DAP), and BMI misrepresentation model and help advance your business in this evolving insurance landscape.

    Multiple perspectives. One holistic approach.

    The obesity epidemic in North America is only getting worse, which impacts mortality in a multifactorial fashion. We are now approaching the entire metabolic risk profile from all angles, as its impact is staggering.

    Thought Leadership & Research

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    Navigating the obesity epidemic through enhanced risk management solutions

    Rather than rely on older approaches, Munich Re is combining industry-leading underwriting and medical expertise with state-of-the-art predictive analytics to push the envelope.

    In this article, we share our view of the risks as well as innovative ways to assess and mitigate this growing concern to help carriers successfully position their businesses in a risk-informed way.

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    About Munich Re Life

    As a leader in the life reinsurance market, Munich Re Life’s expertise expands from market-leading offerings that include individual life and living benefits reinsurance, group reinsurance and financial reinsurance, to predictive analytics, digital partnerships, and standard-setting underwriting and medical capabilities.

    We believe that the digital economy offers an unprecedented opportunity for the industry to rapidly advance risk assessment and close the widening global underinsured gap.

    Learn more about our insights and innovations.