Munich Re Global Cyber Risk and Insurance Survey 2022
More action required for higher cyber resilience
Munich Re has been involved in managing cyber risk from the first moment it became a consideration. The results of our Global Cyber Risk and Insurance Survey 2022 underline that there is clearly more action required – for policyholders and the insurance industry.
Cyber insurance – A growing market with huge potential
Cyber insurance is fundamental for the successful digitalisation of the economy. Our goal as one of the market leaders is clear: to jointly develop innovative, datacentric cyber solutions with our clients and partners. Our approach to maintain a sustainable cyber insurance market is unchanged: disciplined in underwriting an stringent in risk management with a clearly defined risk appetite.
Learn more in the scrollytelling section, below that you can download the report.
We asked more than 7000 participants ...
in the following positions ...
with around 500 participants each ...
covering a wide range of industries ...
Here is a glimpse at the survey results.
How concerned are you about a potential cyberattack against your company?
How concerned are you about a potential cyberattack against your company?
Which of the following have you ever been affected by? (C-Level)
Which of the following have you ever been affected by? (C-Level)
Which of the following have you ever been affected by? (C-Level)
Which statement best describes the cyber insurance status of your company? (C-Level)
Do you consider taking out a cyber insurance policy?
Cyber risk and cyber insurance - A gap between awareness and preparedness
Cyber Risk and Insurance Survey 2022 – The results
All companies surveyed are focusing more strongly on new, smart technologies. In line with these developments, security vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks are also on the rise. Although awareness among surveyed managers has risen by nearly 10% since our global survey in 2021, the perception of the cyber threat landscape and what needs to be done to properly address it still varies greatly by region. As a result, cyber security protection measures remain relatively low. And decision makers are aware of this: 83% of surveyed representatives said that their own company is not adequately protected against digital threats.
Digital disruption is progressing on a global level and associated dependencies are advancing enormously – and they make no allowance for those who are not sufficiently prepared. The insurance industry has proven that it can provide real value-add for its clients with comprehensive solutions that adapt to the rapidly changing risk landscape. Munich Re, in particular, constantly innovates as a leading cyber reinsurer. We offer long-standing expertise and sophisticated insurance solutions.
Get access to detailed and valuable insights from our new Cyber Risk and Insurance Survey 2022. Gain a better understanding of global and regional differences in cyber threat perceptions and the reasons for taking out cyber insurance. Learn more about how cyber preparedness status varies by industry or company size. Download the 2022 report here and now. And if you have any additional questions or would like to see insights from the country-specific evaluations, contact our cyber experts or your Munich Re Client Manager.