Secure and easy Collaboration
External Sharing for Partners of Munich Re
A seamless and fruitful cooperation with our clients and partners is our top priority. External sharing with Office 365 Groups supports secure data exchange in real-time. Thanks to useful additional features such as Channels and Tabs, Microsoft Teams enables even closer and more convenient collaboration. With both solutions, documents and files are stored centrally and can be processed jointly - at any time and from any device.
Please ask your contact at Munich Re to set up your company-specific Group or Team - and join forces with Munich Re to collaborate even closer.
Please note: the tools MIRA and Pharmapool remain available via connect.munichre.
Security and compliance
Secure and safe solution for document exchange

Data Protection Sources by Microsoft
Certain entities at your company might raise the question whether collaboration in an Office 365 Group or Microsoft Team is secure with regard to the data shared there. For this purpose, Microsoft has compiled a collection of data protection information offered in the Service Trust Portal including whitepapers, FAQs, security reports, penetration tests, risk assessment tools and other resources.
You can also directly access the Report from third-party vulnerability testing of Office 365.
Accessibility of the sources
Please note: some documents require approval prior to download, so registration with a Microsoft account is required. Therefore you might need to register beforehand.
Guidance for working with Office 365 Groups and Microsoft Teams

If you and your contact at Munich Re decide to collaborate by means of an Office 365 Group or a Microsoft Team, there is not much you have to do: Your contact will set up the Group or Team and invite you. You will also receive more information on how to proceed via email.
If your company already uses Office 365, you are already familiar with the tools and functionalities. For those who want to dive deeper, please find following some links for further information and guidance: